Sunday, April 20, 2008

Its an insult to native americans!

Its a nice night out with a full moon, so I decide to walk home from my friends house.

Now sure, I live in a different town than my friend, and if I drove on the roads it'd be a good distance. But I figured if I cut through the woods I'd shave a few miles off of my journey.

It wasn't the rabbit that I thought was a mountain lion that made me turn around and get out of the woods. It wasn't the scum pound I had to cross. It wasn't the bat that I fought with my skateboard. It was property laws! Why does someone get to put up a fence in the middle of the woods? Now sure, I could have easily jumped it and kept on walking, but the police don't play when it comes to trespassing down here and I don't want to find out what the inside of the Foley jail looks like.

I'm proud of my heritage as a Muskogee, and we were here before all you white folks moved in. We had towns, we had cities, we had established laws and governments, we were the only farmers that I know of. Heck, we were more civilized than the colonist. Given all that I think that trespassing laws shouldn't apply to me, but alas I run into the same problem today that my ancestors did hundreds of years ago, the white folk have more guns than me, therefore the white folk make the rules.

Still, if you are going to be living in my woods you should at least have the decency to leave them open for travelers to cross through. If you want your fences and gates so badly then you need to move your butt back into the filthy city where you can have all the stupid fences you want. Leave my woods free!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That'd sure be nice. My Minnesota Chippewa heritage calls out in agreement.