Thursday, May 15, 2008

Das Elbows!

I'm not exactly sure how it works, but yesterday I decided to double my reps in weightlifting from 30 to 70 (more than double, I know) and I felt fine. But today my elbows feel like they are broken. The muscles don't hurt a bit, just the joint. OUCH!


Anonymous said...

Ouch indeed! But tearing muscle to let them grow back stronger than before is actually how you do it, so there you go. :)

.crash// said...

It isn't the muscle that hurts, it is the joint itself. So that is NOT a good thing. Its feeling a lot better now though. And tearing it really isn't the best way to go about building muscles. Sure, you'll get major mass, but you'll have no tone. Its all about balance between high weight and high reps.

Most things I do 50 reps with and then I run/jog for at least a mile making sure not to dip below a 4mph average.

50 curls of 20-30 lbs (depends on how tired I am)
50 reps of bench press (I start high and take off weights as needed to make 50)
50 squats (same rules as bench press)
50 calf extensions with 115lbs
50 sit ups
30 military press (same rules as bench press)
20 rowboat reps (high weight)
20 pull ups
20 flights of stairs with 80lbs
100 wing chun punches (or other wing chun exersices)
1 run
3 times a week.