Friday, May 30, 2008

Today is the day

Today I am supposed to get a call from the FD. I expect them to say something along the lines of "You are awesome, please let us give you money." If they don't hire me, it's because they are racist.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Roundhouse kick

Coming at you fast like my name is dot crash
smokin all them jokers till theres nothing left but ash
Riding in my benz as I'm counting all my cash
This is all pretends, I'd never be that crass
I stay broke most everyday
Praying to my Lord that I do it His way
Thank God for the day, thank God for the night
Jesus saved my life so I got to live it right

Thursday, May 22, 2008


is Judgment day.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Das Elbows!

I'm not exactly sure how it works, but yesterday I decided to double my reps in weightlifting from 30 to 70 (more than double, I know) and I felt fine. But today my elbows feel like they are broken. The muscles don't hurt a bit, just the joint. OUCH!

Friday, May 9, 2008


I've got an interview with GS on the 16th! YES! Just last night I was talking about what I was going to do if I didn't get the job.

I haven't been hired yet, but I got my call back! YES! YES! YES! I am so stoked! I didn't realize just how much I wanted that job until I got my call back. I guess I didn't want to get my hopes up or something, but now I want it so very much! I'm praying that I get the job, and I'm thanking God for his love.

This has been a good week!


Its funny how just a few days ago I had made up my mind, and then she comes along and trips me up.

God loves me, the proof is obvious. I think how he keeps me on the right track is the BEST WAY EVER. Jonah got swallowed by a fish, I meet women. I was really starting to get worried about what I'm supposed to do, and I feel more at peace now than I have in a while.

I would like to thank Sam, she doesn't know it but she has helped me a lot through this time. She was a really good friend and I'm kind of sad that she and I are going to fall out of contact, but I knew that would happen from the start.

Amber too, she helped me to consider other options and I wish her the best of luck. Even though I don't think I'll ever go through the effort of seeing her again.

I never have someone take me "under wing" and mentor me. All of the influential guys I've met have always been very distant. Its a nasty habit that I now realize I have too.

Its time for me to show a brand new courage. God has been preparing me for this for sometime. He has put me in many situations to make me grow and sharpen my skills. Long gone is the Matt who can't talk to pretty girls, long gone is the Matt who starts arguments just for fun.

God has dropped me into the weirdest and most drama filled web I've ever seen. I need to stay in constant prayer and keep my Faith in the Lord. God has my back, and this is the turning point.

I don't know if she is "the one" and it doesn't matter. Clearly God wants me to pursue her. Either I will find the promise or I will be further molded into the man I need to be to receive that promise. God is leading this one, and I am determined to follow him. I'm done making my own plans, God has things covered.

Praise the Lord with your every breath, and bring Glory to God with your every action. Do these things with all that you are, and you will be surprised at who you find next to you.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Bargalaorg I missed an update
Bargalaorg is my plan to date
That cutie contraband
A say it like I got a mic in my hand
Bargalaorg is the sound it makes
when my train of thought jumps the tracks
crash into an orphanage
and change my raps.

A mix of blood and grease

Great cars are built by machines to exact specifications. The look great, they run great.

But the best cars are built by hand. You get cut cut, and the blood from your body mixes with the grease of the car. That is when it is no longer just a machine, but a monster. Something with character. Almost a soul. It no longer becomes a matter of numbers, but a relationship twixt man and beast. You change and improve the car and the car changes and improves you. You stop trusting mechanics with your car, you opt do to everything you can yourself. Eventually you can feel everything. You take a turn and you can feel the low pressure in that left front tire. You realize that back right shock needs adjusted. You ignore the tachometer, choosing to instead listen to the car.

It is that point that you are no longer just a person who drives, you have become a driver.

Monday, May 5, 2008


Everything is really starting to get to me. It seems like I'm never good enough, that I always fall short of the mark. I think I'm about to just turn off.

Friday, May 2, 2008

I got 99 .swp errors but a chick ain't one

.crash like the flash in my browser
I'm not so good at linux
my home is a router
But I love that little guy tux.
I find open source to be fun
So shelve all your what the *****
This hacker ain't done
I live with computer terrors
I feel bad for you son.
I got 99 .swp errors
but a chick ain't one.